Monday, March 10, 2014

Creating an Infographic: The Northern Advantage in the Civil War

                 Using an infographic, we displayed how and why the north had advantages over the south with their strategy and overall success during the civil war.  We chose to include a large, clear title, and short opening paragraph to give an overview of the data and information we were going to be sharing.  For our first piece of data, we made a population graph to clearly and visually show that there were many more people living in the north, which helped the north to have a larger army than the south during the civil war.  The blue represented the Union (the north), and the yellow represented the Confederate (the south).  We included a short caption to explain the significance of our graph.  We then included a primary source image and caption of a train to explain that the north had more railroads than the south which helped to transport goods for the troops.  After the image, we included two graphs to show the advantage the north had economically.  Using a bar graph, it is clear that the north had a much larger value of manufactured goods which helped to keep a stable economy during the war.  There is also a pie chart which is a helpful visual to show the north economically depended on industry while the south largely did not.  The south rather relied on slaves and agriculture.  Finally, we included in a bright color and large font the amount of corn produced in the north.  This showed that the north had a good balance of industry and agriculture and could supply itself with plenty of food.  Using graphs helped to visually show how numbers and statistics were related to the north’s advantage over the south during the civil war.  The infographic also allowed for short captions to be included explaining the graphs.  Creating the graphs helped us also understand the situations faced by the Union and Confederacy by providing a way for us to interpret the data and statistics using visuals.  Using the infographic, the north’s advantage over the south during the civil war for overall success and strategy is clearly displayed.
<script id="infogram_0_the-northern-advantage" src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>

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